E4D dentistry

What is E4D dentistry?
Today's dentistry is a far cry from years past. Patients today need not settle for obvious silver fillings because there are treatment options available that look just as beautiful as, if not better than, their own natural teeth. What's more, many patients can be treated today without metal, and more and more tooth structure can be conserved, thanks to minimally-invasive techniques designed to help preserve natural tooth structure and surrounding bone, an important part of healthy, strong teeth.
What many people might not know is that the same innovations that are revolutionizing business and technology are being clinically proven to enhance the precision and longevity of modern dental treatment options. Also, such technologies are making today's modern dentistry more convenient, less time consuming, and more patient-friendly.
The E4D Dentist™ system represents the future of dentistry using computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) in the dental office.

The E4D System
Needing no impression materials that could potentially create an unpleasant experience for patients, nor any type of powder, E4D enables dentists to use hand-held scanning technology to obtain digital impressions of a patient's teeth and smile. This method is fast, accurate, and far more comfortable for patients than traditional techniques.

The E4D incorporates highly intuitive DentaLogic™ software that dental professionals use to design the patient's crown, veneer, or filling from start to finish, all while the patient watches in the office. So powerful is this software that multiple restorations can be completed in a single dental visit!
Then, after the design of the restorations is complete, a metal-free, natural-looking material is placed in a milling unit where high-speed, state-of-the-art instrumentation creates a precision crown, veneer, or filling that will fit the patient exactly. The entire process is so short that the patient receives his or her permanent restoration the same day, sometimes in the same visit.

Treatment types
Crowns, for decayed, chipped, cracked, or worn-down or discoloured teeth
Veneers, for worn or discoloured teeth or those with gaps between them
Fillings (inlays, onlays), for decayed or worn teeth or those with old fillings
Why choose E4D Dentistry?
It's dentistry patients need and want, the way they want it
CAD/CAM techniques are precise and accurate
Metal-free restorations are natural-looking
Dentists can use conservative, minimally invasive techniques to preserve natural tooth structure
Patients receive their restorations the same day; they don’t have to wait weeks

Two E4D Crowns

Two Further Cases using E4D to restore and replace old fillings
How to find us
Modern Dentistry
Level 1 City Walk Centre
City Walk
ACT 2601
Above King O'Malleys Pub
Work: 02 6247 8400
Opening Hours
Modern Dentistry
Monday - 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Tuesday - 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday - 8:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Thursday - 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Friday - 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed